About us

We are Peter and Anne Marie van Soest from the Netherlands. In daily life we work in an office (sales engineer for ERP software and inside sales in high quality plastic housewears). We love to travel to many different countries and photograph nature and wildlife.

Our hobby

In 2007 we started traveling and our first trip was to western Canada. Especially for this trip we bought a digital SLR. When we got back, we realized that we really liked nature and wildlife photography. For our second trip to Canada and Alaska, a year later, we wanted more and extended our gear with an extra lens. This was still all a big learning curve. We mostly learned by experience and reviewing our shots.

Since our first travel to Canada, we've travelled to North America and Canada many times. Some of the highlights were a visit to the Polar Bears of Churchill, Manitoba in Canada, the state of Alaska, USA and beautiful Yellowstone National Park in the USA.
We also travel a lot to Scandinavia to our friends on Lofoten Islands in Norway to capture the Aurora Borealis or northern lights. An experience you will never forget and really addictive!

In September 2012 we sailed around west and northwest Spitsbergen (Svalbard) in the high Arctic. A very, very beautiful trip with some great photograpic oppertunities. A couple of years later, one of the guides from that trip asked Peter to get involved (as board member and webmaster) in a foundation that organizes lectures about the (ant)arctic regions called Pool tot Pool. The website is in Dutch (Pool tot Pool).

In February 2014 we have visited Iceland for the first time, a true photographers paradise. A must see for anyone who's into photography!

Late 2015 we have been to Africa for the first time! Together with 2 experienced Africa friends we travelled with 2 RV's from South-Africa to Botswana and a piece of Zimbabwe. Amazing how much wildlife we have seen. We've completely fallen in love with elephants!

Besides Botswana we've also travelled thru Namibia. Also a very beautiful African country with lots of scenery and lots of wildlife.

But our true love is the north!

Our website

We love to show our pictures to anyone who is interested. We've made a selection of the many picture we've taken and categorized them in scenery, northern ligths, mammals and birds. You can browse through the pictures or enjoy a slideshow, by clicking on the 'play' button. We've also made slideshows with different themes from several travels. You can enjoy these short movies with beautiful music on Vimeo or Youtube.

Our website is made responsive and is iPad (tablet) and smartphone friendly and is never finished, so come back soon and check out all the latest additions.

If you want more information about us, our pictures or our website, please feel free to use our contact page. You can also follow us several social media. Down below are the direct links.

Peter and Anne Marie